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A member registered Feb 28, 2017

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Thank you for clarifying that for me. I hadn't been able to find anything on it myself so I appreciate it. Here's hoping the issue will get fixed sometime xD

Just to clarify my build I'm running, it's build 1.0 and I have an easy save with 26 charisma. I compared two identical orders for a two hand copper axe and both came out to 47 copper as the sell price. Is it that there is a variance of prices people pay? Or is it just stuck to the default value and charisma doesn't actually work in this build. Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated.

This might have already been answered but there's hundreds of entries, the charisma modifier hasn't been working for me or my brother. I haven't seen this issue be reported anywhere else. Does anybody else have this issue, or is it just us and how can we fix it?

Saw a few videos about this game and knew I had to have it! When I got home to download it free I decided to toss in $1 for now because it looks awesome. When I have more disposable income I plan to pitch in a bit more! Keep it up!